Thursday, September 2, 2010

Change of plans

I'm not going to post the Vimeo of the introductions to ipods to the Pre-K teachers. I think it will be more informative to you all if I post a video of the children actually using them for the first time. The Pre-K teachers are all very excited to get these into the hands of the children. I think we will all be surprised about how much they already know. So many of them already play with their mom or dad's iphone at home. These ipods will strengthen their fine motor skills and expose them to more technology that is used in the world around them.


  1. My Pre-K students love them. We used them this morning to learn how to write the letter A. I posted pics on my blog . I was very successful in accomplishing my objective. All 16 could tell me the name of the letter 30 minutes after instruction and 13 could copy it or write it independently on a sheet of paper directly after instruction. I used them last year and the kindergarten teachers told me last year's pre-k students knew more letters and numbers at the beginning of the year than in years past.

  2. That is awesome I look forward to following your blog. Thanks for the insight. It is amazing what all they can do at such a young age.
